
Doctrine of strict liability.

The doctrine of strict liability is a legal principle that holds a party responsible for damages or injuries caused by their actions or products, regardless of fault or intent. This means that even if the party took all possible precautions, they can still be held liable.

Key Aspects of Strict Liability:

  1. No Need to Prove Negligence: Unlike negligence cases, the injured party does not have to prove that the defendant was careless or intended harm.
  2. Applies to Inherently Dangerous Activities: It is often applied to activities that are inherently risky, such as:
    • Manufacturing and selling defective products (Product Liability)
    • Keeping dangerous animals (Animal Liability)
    • Engaging in hazardous activities like using explosives or storing toxic substances (Ultrahazardous Activities)
  3. Defenses Are Limited: Common defenses like lack of intent or due care do not apply, but some exceptions exist, such as misuse of a product.

Examples of Strict Liability:

  • A company sells a defective car part that causes an accident.
  • A person’s pet tiger escapes and injures someone.
  • A construction company uses dynamite, causing unintended damage to nearby buildings.

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